What does the tax investigation service include?
Fees up to £100,000 incurred representing you in the event of any compliance check, visit or investigation started by HMRC regarding compliance with:
The full terms and conditions can be found at www.cronertaxwise.com/premier-professional-policy.
Where applicable this service extends to include your directors, partners and company secretaries subject to external income limits.
What is excluded?
Criminal Prosecutions
Tax Avoidance Schemes
Deliberate Omissions
Tax, fines, penalties & interest due
Enquiries commencing outside of the Period of Service
Making a claim
In the event of any correspondence or communication from HMRC relating to a potential enquiry or dispute, please speak to us straight away and get immediate professional advice. We will make a claim against the Policy and credit the proceeds against your liability for fees. You could be liable for fees not covered by the Policy.
Support for your business
You have telephone access to specialist HR, Health & Safety and Commercial legal advisors, please call 0844 892 2807. Please note that the legal advice line is not indemnified.