Services for expats working in the UK

The team at Macalvins can assist companies and their overseas employees – often referred to as ‘expats’ – who choose to make the UK their work base.

If you are an expat working in the UK, or you are company employing an international expat here in the UK, there are important tax matters that you need to be aware of.

As an individual, your tax status will almost certainly be affected by your change of workplace and residency from overseas to the UK.

Expat tax status is a complex area and needs careful planning to ensure that you are not paying too much tax.

If you are a UK company or a UK based branch or subsidiary of a non-UK entity, you need to ensure that you are paying your expats correctly depending on their tax status.

Macalvins Chartered Accountants, Tax & Business Advisers | Harrow, Mayfair, London

Our specialist team can assist with:

Expat payroll services
Tax advice for internationally mobile employees, including non-domiciled staff

Payroll Services:

To find out how our specialist team can help with expat payroll matters, please contact us.

Expat tax advice

Our knowledge of international tax enables us to put strategies in place to help minimise the tax that expats need to pay, whilst remaining compliant with the tax authorities both here in the UK and in their home country.We have particular expertise in US tax matters and, as such, we are able to assist US expats with their IRS filing obligations (form 1040) and double tax treatment rules.We can provide advice and offer practical support with:

To find out how our specialist team can help with expat tax returns and tax planning, please contact us.